Sunday, November 14, 2010

Promotional Teddy Bears - A Hug From Your Business to Your Customer

Everyone loves teddy bears. No matter how old you are, whether you are sick, having a baby, or just need some cheering up, having cuddly teddy bears is something that is really going to perk you up. Promotional teddy bears are a great item for companies to put their name on and to use to promote their business.

Let's look at the different ways that a company can use teddy bears to get the word out about the business.


Employee birthdays are a great way to give out teddy bears to people. Everyone loves to get a teddy bear and when you give them a teddy bear, you show that they are important to your company and that you appreciate everything that they do for you.


Do you have younger people working for you that are getting ready to graduate from high school or college? Celebrate their graduation with one of your cuddly teddy bears. Women especially enjoy getting promotional teddy bears and they are something that will help them to commemorate the event.

New Baby

Have one of your employees or clients had a baby recently? Why not give the new member of the family one of your adorable promotional teddy bears? Especially if it's one of your valued clients, they are going to appreciate that you are congratulating them and that you company doesn't just worry about making money but that your company wants to rejoice with people about their new baby, you are going to show that your company has a heart.


There are times in a person's life when they are having health problems. Whether they have to go into the hospital or they are just home with an injury, teddy bears are always a good way to show them that you are thinking of them and wishing them well. Too many companies worry too much about how the person's illness or injury is going to affect business instead of worrying about the person who is going through it.


Promotional teddy bears are a great item that a company can offer to organizations who are looking to raise money. People are going to buy the teddy bears and the organization is going to make the money that they need and the company is going to get the advertising that they are looking for. Teddy bears are something that everyone is going to love and they are going to want to have one.

There are a lot of different ways that a company can use promotional teddy bears in order to get the word out about their company and to show that the company has compassion for clients and employees. Although one of the main things that a promotional item should do is to bring people in, teddy bears offer a lot more. They show people a different side of a company and that they really care about their clients and their employees, as opposed to simply caring about how much money they can make.

Giving people promotional teddy bears is like giving them a hug from the company.

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