Friday, July 2, 2010

As was to be your Teddy Bear Treat

Is not it ironic that perhaps a child, the most popular toy is a teddy bear? Ironically, that fans often give teddy bears to partner with their hearts and love messages on them.

One might ask, what is ironic about it. Well, the way of life bears are treated as is barbaric.

Did you know that more than 12,000 bears are kept in captivity in Asia almost turn is not in cages where they get up and do? You may not like HibernateThe bears do, lie down on, because they have no bars lie. These bears are always crying for their bile and the production process, would be you. These creatures are beautiful tube inserted into the stomach, bladder bile to extract the bile. The wound is opened up to three times daily to prevent healing, so that the extract of bile, as it accumulates. This is of course often leads to infections, abscesses and severe pain. These beautifulAnimals can not do anything to stop it. Another method is to insert a syringe into the gall bladder to extract bile. It is not a veterinarian who performs these procedures, often it is a servant.

The bile is in Asian medicine, quite unnecessarily, as are the alternative plants, and is used there.

You've probably heard the bear bait. Yes, this practice is still in Pakistan, where a bear has teeth removed and is bound and put into the fightDogs. They usually have a nose ring, attached to a chain attached. The bears have to endure constant struggles - his flesh is torn, and not die. Bear baiting is held at fairs and other events and is regarded as a form of entertainment. Although it is illegal, is still there.

I'm sure you remember the dancing bears. This is done in India, where the bear nose pierced and a rope is passed through the wound. Keeps the bears at bay, and hemust do as his master bids. I heard that the bears in circuses is to be in iron barrels. What the public does not know is that the platform on which it is heated from below, is doing so hot that the bear can not stand still is. Pads on the legs and infected with bubbles, and yet he is made to do this every day.

Maybe bear paw soup? In Cambodia, Vietnam, China, Japan or Taiwan, if you're willing to pay U.S. $ 1,000 you can have your fill of beerpaw soup. Did not catch the bear, he is kept in a cage in the back and alive. His severed leg and your order is ready. Of course, if the next order comes in, is another leg severed and until he left standing. He is then beaten to death and eaten. I can not say in which direction the killing, me too bad, but it can be a source of that information from the Internet when.

Fortunately there are organizations out there trying to stop thisterrible practices. We all have our weight and support for these agencies to give, they are dependent on donations and volunteers.

I am sure that now irony of this beloved teddy bears that children take to bed with them. The bear is a beautiful animal and it's hard to understand the lack of human compassion and depth of his cruelty.

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