Thursday, September 9, 2010

Care Bears Crafts For Kids

The Care Bears have been around for many years. A lot of people who are parents now used to like the Care Bears when they were children. Because of this, if your kids like them too, you can do really fun crafts together that everyone in the family will enjoy. This will help them express their creativity as well as their imagination. The more fun crafty things your children do when they are young, the smarter they'll be when they are older.

Since Care Bears are essentially magical teddy bears, you can have fun with your children as they draw their own. They could use finger paints, water colors, colored pencils, or coloring crayons. Their options are endless with this sort of project. Have them try to think of a new kind of Care Bear that best represents them. This way, they start thinking of who they are in relation to what they see.

Another fun craft that is themed around the Care Bears television show and books is wall hangings. You can have your kid make Care Bears from construction paper and coloring utensils. Then, let them cut out the bears in the classic rounded bear shape. One their done, you can put them on their bedroom wall, or on the refrigerator. Then they can see their handiwork any time they want. This will also show how much you like and appreciate the art that they make. This will encourage them to keep being creative and imaginative, which is great.

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