Any child or adult lucky enough to be the recipient of teddy bear gifts, knows just how special these iconic soft toys are. With their facial features as their key attraction, closely followed by the feel of their 'fur' or skin and then the stuffing, they are one of those favorites from which many can never be parted, no matter how worn and battered they become.
The year was 1907 and at that time, teddy bears had all but overtaken the world. In that year, the Steiff company (Margarete Steiff was the original creator of the bear in 1902), reported selling some 974,000 of them, most of which were shipped to the United States - the birthplace of the bear's name 'Teddy.'
By 1907, it became common to photograph a child with their favorite teddy. In the same year, songs called "The Teddy Bear's Picnic" and "Teddy Bear's Lullaby," were published showing just how popular these toy bears were in the adult market. For a toy to reach fad proportions, it's long been known it has to appeal to adults, but when adults want the item even more than the children, the fad moves on to become a craze. In the book Kids' Stuff by Gary Cross, he quotes advertisements of the time that were used to show just how gaga adults had become over the stuffed bear creature; "specialized bear "fashions" were sold separately in 1907. Even magazines like the Ladies Home Journal offered patterns for teddy bear clothes. These included pajamas, Rough Rider, fireman, sailor, and clown suits...teddy bears were all the rage in the cities...they had become a fashion accessory."
The now world famous bears were once quite pricey (and still can be if they are deemed a collectors item) simply because of the hand labor and expensive materials used to make them. On the other hand, they sold well based on much more than their craftsmanship; boys liked them because of the real bears rugged and ferocious reputation; for girls, Teddy's were poseable and could be dressed up. But, best of all, unlike dolls of the time which were mostly made of porcelain or wood, they could be hugged.
Through both World Wars and even the Depression, teddy bears remained popular; the most famous soft toy in the world provided a measure of comfort during some very difficult times, when futures were uncertain. Even today, every year, sees the sale of millions of teddy's many often making their way into the arms of adults who cherish them no less than any child does.
If you feel stuck the next time you need to find the 'perfect' present, look to teddy bear gifts to save the day. A hug from one really is one of life's simple pleasures and with their ability to provide the same sense one gets from a security blanket, be a top notch plaything and comforter when needed, you just can't go wrong [with a teddy bear].
Copyright Shelley Vassall, 2010.
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